Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Rickrack Braid Hat

Rickrack Braid Hat

The first thing I should mention (before I forget to) is that I designed this hat to match the 81-Yard Cowl. However, I didn't want to go too matchy-matchy, so the hat uses a stripe of stockinette that's two stitches wide rather than the cowl's single stitch. Nevertheless, if made in the same yarn these two items would make for a handsome pair. And an economical one, since this hat uses almost the same yardage as the cowl!!!

Yarn: Schachenmayr smc Boston (70% Acrylic, 30% Virgin Wool; 60 yards [55 meters]/50 grams); #72 Pine - two skeins (I know I just said this hat uses the same yardage as the cowl - that's 'cause I didn't use all of my two skeins!!)

Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 9, one 16" circular needle in size US 10.5, one set of double pointed needles, also in size US 10.5

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 12 stitches = 4 inches

Which brings us to the pattern! Using your size 9 circular needle, then, cast on 64 stitches, place marker, and join in round. Then we'll knit some ribbing, as follows:

Ribbing Row 1: * k1, p2, k1; rep from *

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Floral Mesh Beanie

Floral Mesh Beanie

I've been posting a lot of user-suggested patterns recently, and the Floral Mesh Beanie is no exception. After completing the Floral Mesh Scarf and Bonnet, I've had requests for a simpler hat as well. And while this stitch pattern doesn't lend itself quite as seamlessly to the round as I would like, that's just because I'm a perfectionist. In practice, you'd never find the seam, although you will have to do a bit stitch-slipping to keep the thing lined up correctly.

Yarn: Plymouth Yarn DK Merino Superwash (100% Superwash Fine Merino Wool; 130 yards [119 meters]/50 grams); #1122 Wisteria - one to two skeins (I got by with one)

The Floral Mesh pattern.
I still love it, guys.
Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 5, one 16" circular needle in size US 6, one set of double pointed needles (dpns), also in size US 6

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 22 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette on size 6 needle

So let's make a hat! Since the lace pattern on this hat has a larger gauge than your ribbing, it's one of the few instances where you'll be casting on more stitches, and then decreasing before you hit the mesh. With that in mind, and using your size 5 16" needle, then, cast on 112 stitches loosely, place marker, and join in round. Then we'll work a ribbing row as follows:

Ribbing Row: * k1, p1, k2, p1, k1, p1; rep from *

Knit this ribbing row until piece measures roughly 1.5". Transfer work to your size 6" circular needle, and we'll knit two transition rows, as follows:

Transition Row 1: * k1, p1, k2tog, p1, k1, p1 * (96 stitches)

Transition Row 2: knit

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Little Red Hooded Cowl

Little Red Hooded Cowl
Size 4 - 6, on a giant-headed 4-year-old

So here's the thing. I made the Baby Bear Hooded Cowl for my six-year-old, and then my four-year-old demanded a similar hat of his own. And while many elements of the two designs are the same (I made them with the same weight yarn and same basic premise), the Little Red Hooded Cowl adds a cute little cable, just for fun. That same cable also makes it fit a tad snugger than the Baby Bear Hooded Cowl, which also gives it a slightly different look.

Note: As of 1/14/17, I've corrected the cast on number for the large adult. :)

Sizes: Toddler (Ages 4 - 6; Ages 7 - 12; Teen/Small Adult; Large Adult)

Yarn: Plymouth Yarn Encore Chunky (75% Acrylic, 22% Wool, 3% Rayon; 143 yards [131 meters]/100 grams); #999  - one skein (two skeins; two skeins; two skeins; two skeins)

A closer look at the cable.
Needles: One 16" circular needle in size US 9, one 16" circular needle in size US 10, cable needle (cn)

Notions: Tapestry needle, stitch marker

Gauge: 14 stitches = 4 inches on size 10 needles 

So let's get started! Using your 16" size 9 circular needle, then, cast on 64 (68; 72; 76; 80) stitches, place marker, and join in round. Then we'll knit the following ribbing row:

Ribbing Row: p3, k6, p2, * k2, p2; rep from * until you have 13 stitches left in round, then k2, p2, k6, p3